
Diego, An Arab x Draft Gelding

Diego, a 24-year-old gelding, came to us through animal control, along with his pal Manny. Diego was a 3 of 9 on the body condition scale, was badly in need of a farrier appointment, and was infested with lice. Fortunately, he's now putting on weight, has had a proper pedicure and we've dealt with that infestation.

Diego is part Arab, and looks like he could have some draft in him.  His feet are large for his size, and he has quite a bit of feathering.  He is well-mannered and easy to handle. We think he has had a fair amount of training in the past.

Next up for this sweet boy--a dental float.

October 2024: Diego (along with his pal Manny) has been adopted and is currently with us while his new owners prepare his new digs.

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