
Many Ways to Donate to 
Skagit Animals in Need

Skagit Animals in Need (SAIN) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit. We are 100% volunteer operated and are funded mainly by donations and grants. All of your donations go directly to supporting our programs. Typically, less than 2% of costs are administrative (i.e. printing or renting booth space, maintaining our website, etc.), meaning 98% goes straight to the animals.

There are so many ways you can support Skagit Animals in Need! Of course we always accept monetary donations. 

We are always accepting donated tack for our annual Tack Sale fundraiser. 

If you're a local business, we'd love to have a donated service or item for the raffle we have in conjunction with our Tack Sale. 

We accept in-kind donations of feed and supplies. 

(EIN # 45-5189936)
Donate here on the website through PayPal OR 
checks can be made out to 
Skagit Animals in Need and mailed to us:
P.O. Box 503
Mount Vernon, WA 98273

And also...

When you sell items on Nextdoor you can choose to support Skagit Animals in Need by using Sell for Good. Buyers can choose to purchase items that will benefit a local nonprofit.
Link your Fred Meyer Rewards Card to our program and earn donations as you shop!
Send us a check!  P.O. Box 503, Mount Vernon, Washington 98273

Our biggest annual fundraiser is our Tack Sale! We're always accepting new or gently used tack. Donations can be dropped off the Bony Pony (in Mount Vernon) during normal business hours. 
All About Our Tack Sale
Venmo us! @SkagitAnimalsinNeed

Facebook makes it easy to donate whenever you see a donate button on our profile or post. You can also create your own fundraiser to benefit SAIN using this link:
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